Adult Faith Enrichment

Daily Reflection Booklets for Advent & Christmas: “Emerge into Great Joy” ~ Invites us to free ourselves of divisions and chains and embrace the gift of God’s own self.” Available in church.
Advent Faith Sharing Small Groups ~ Groups will meet to reflect together on the Advent Scriptures, using the JustFaith Series “Disrupting Darkness: Light, Love, and the Birth of Jesus” as a guide in uncovering the true meaning of Christmas & discerning how it calls us to live differently. Groups meet:

TUESDAY MORNINGS 10-11:15am: Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 10 & 17 in the Tomczak Rm. in church;
TUESDAY EVENINGS 7-8:30pm: Dec. 3, 10 & 17 from 7 in the Tomczak Room in church;

SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:15-11:15: Dec. 8, 15 & 22 in the Resurrection Rm. of the Spiritual Renewal Ctr.