Faith Formation News!
As we approach fall, registration for Faith Formation for this 2024-2025 school year is NOW OPEN! Registration is available for all our programs: Faith Formation, First Eucharist, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation!
Classes take place each Sunday from 10:15-11:15 am.
The Care for Our Common Home Task Force and Faith Formation are joining together to continue work on the Native Plant Garden. We hope to enlarge the garden and plant new native plants which will attract pollinators and birds. It will not only be a beautiful addition to our parish grounds, but will be a tool to teach about the importance on Native Plants.
We need YOUR help to do this - we are inviting all from our parish community to sign up to help. Even if you can help just once during the summer, please sign up with your phone and email – we will contact you as soon as dates have been set to start the project.
The Diocese of Syracuse offers a Safe Environment training program that educates adults in parish communities to help safeguard children in our communities, recognize suspicious or predatory behaviors, safe reporting methods, proper boundaries with children and adults, as well as to grow a culture of awareness, knowledge, and vigilance for children, youth, and vulnerable adults in our community. Michael Songer will be offering a re-certification training session on Wednesday, March 20 from 6-7:30pm. If you have taken a Safe Environment session 5 or more years ago, or received a letter that you are in need of re-certification, please register!
Family Faith Formation
First Eucharist
Faith Formation for Children and Youth
Faith Formation Classes: This year, we are using Gospel Weeklies by Pflaum Publishing as our main text in our Faith Formation meetings! They are differentiated by grade level group as follows:
Promise - K/1
Good News - 2/3
Venture - 4/5/6
Visions - 7/8
In-Person Faith Formation Sessions: Sundays 10:15-11:15am
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: When we gather for Mass on Sunday mornings at 9:00am and 11:30am, the children are invited to go with a catechist during the readings and homily. If you would be interested in supporting this ministry, even once every month or two during either Sunday liturgy, please contact Michael Songer at or (315) 466-8482.
Sacramental Preparation Programs:
First Reconciliation: Registration is now open! To register, click on the Faith Formation Registration above! Children will participate in regular Faith Formation in the fall, and in the spring we will begin meetings focused specifically on First Reconciliation.
First Eucharist: Registration is now open! To register, click on the Faith Formation Registration above! Children will participate in regular Faith Formation in the fall, and in the spring we will begin meetings focused specifically on First Eucharist.
Confirmation: Registration is now open! To register, click on the Faith Formation Registration above! Please note that confirmation is a 2 year program. All youth will participate in regular Faith Formation in the fall, and in the spring, our Year 2 students will participate in direct preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Please contact Michael Songer at or (315) 466-8482 with any questions or for more information!